Thursday, June 5, 2008

Non-Profit Organizations

Free the Slaves. 2007. Free the Slaves. 6 Jun 2008.

Free the Slaves is a non-profit organization headed by Kevin Bales, the author of the book Disposable People. According to the organization’s website, Free the Slaves is involved in the fight against slavery on all levels. They not only work with ground-level liberators, but also are involved with recovery programs and research into finding a solution that will end slavery. The mantra for the organization is that slavery can be ended in our lifetime. This organization is a rich resource for a journalist looking for a wide variety of materials regarding slavery. Particularly useful are links from the website to informational media and research. Also, many of the people involved with the organization would be useful sources to interview since they have personal knowledge of the topic and have conducted their own research.

Not for Sale. Not for Sale Fund. 8 Jun 2008.

This is a non-profit corporation that is designed to spread awareness of slavery in the world and enlist ordinary citizens to do what they can to fight against its perpetuation. The site provides practical information for various groups of people to become involved, learn about slavery in the world, and do something about it. This corporation provides information for a journalist who is interested in learning more about what is being done at a grassroots level to campaign against slavery.

Shared Hope International. 2008. Shared Hope International. 9 June 2008.

Women and children are frequently the targets of sex traffickers, and this non-profit organization is designed to expose the predators and decrease the demand for sex slaves. Some of the actions taken by this organization include conducting interviews with both the victims and the perpetrators, underground investigations, and presenting evidence to governments around the world. The extensive investigations Shared Hope has conducted would provide excellent source material for a researcher of modern slavery.

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